Download time tracking software NkTimeTracker or NkTimeTracker Pro from our site.
Open downloaded zip files ( or
and run setup file from zip (nktimetracker-setup.msi or nktimetrackerpro-setup.msi).
If you use WinZip for opening downloaded archive then unzip setup file to some folder (or desktop)
and then start this setup file.
If you install NkTimeTracker Pro then Administrators rights will be needed.
Open Windows uninstall wizard, select NkTimeTracker (Pro) and uninstall it.
Please uninstall old program at first.
If you want to save old settings, events logs, statistics -
then during uninstall old version - select 'No' in dialog box that will appear with this question.
Then run the .msi file of the new version (or Pro version) and install it.
If you want make the full update then uninstall the old version with statistics,
event log and settings and then install the new version.
In this case the event log, statistics and settings will be lost.
You can select the language from the list on Options->General panel.
The program will change the language after reopening.
Some parameters will be changed after NkTimeTracker restart.
The list contains files from NkTimeTracker\Lng folder with mask *_lng.txt.
The language files are the simple text files and you can change
them with NOTEPAD.
The file is structured in lines and sections.
The name of section shows where the lines from it are used in the program.
Each line consists of parameter and value (parameter=value).
The parameter is the english text in program, and the value is the localization text.
You can change the value how you want.
Please don't change the parameters. Between parameters and = there are no blanks.
The parameter=value must be in one line. If the value has several lines please set the sign / between them.
Before editing please make the copy of original language file.
If needed, please open NOTEPAD with Administrators right (right mouse on NOTEPAD icon, 'Run as administrator').
Select Menu->File->Open in NOTEPAD.
Please send us your localization file.
NkTimeTracker tracks only active in current moment (where are keyboard and mouse focuses) programs.
In any time you can see collected data of monitoring - sites, programs, documents and projects (activities, clients, tags)
defined by you.
NkTimeTracker must have administrator rights if you want to track programs running with administrator rights.
Please open chart window and Dbl-Click mouse on the title. Right mouse button change the type in the reverse sequence.
Please open activity window and Dbl-Click mouse on project (activity, client, tag) text, code or shape.
If needed you can change project (activity, client, tag) on 'Options'->'Activity panel'.
Yes of course. Please add needed programs to Programs without tracking list
Yes of course. Please add needed documents or websites to Documents and urls without tracking list.
Please open Options window and activate Enable on Health.Forced breaks panel.
If you want you can define the sound file that will be played after end of the break,
so you can get back to the computer after the break when will hear the music.
Yes. Please activate option 'Hide Stop break button' on panel
Options->Health.Forced breaks.
Please note, you can not stop forced break ahead of time in this case.
Open the chart window and Dbl-Click on title several times until this type of chart appears.
The color it the same for specific project( activity, tag..., website, internet page, program)
on chart window and on activities window and in report's chart.
So you can set needed color in chart window or in activity window (right mouse -> Menu-> Select color).
Additionaly you can set color for projects (activities, tags...) in Dictionary.Edit window.
Yes, of course.
Please use Copy(load) events to(from) folder window to copy events from all needed PC to some
folder on flash card (this folder may be the same for all PC's).
Then load all saved events from this folder on flash card to your 'master' PC.
After that you can see on your 'master' PC in Reports full statistics from all PC's.
Please uncheck option 'Show only my events' in Report window.
Please see here.
This is the demo how to activate WIKI project when the site Wikipedia is open.
Time tracking software NkTimeTracker uses two text files tt_user.ini and tt_common.ini.
All files are simple txt files ant you can edit files with notepad if needed
(please close NkTimeTracker at first).
The file tt_user.ini is located in users folder C:\ Users\ User\ AppData\ Local\ NkTimeTracker always.
This file contais users settings of NkTimeTracker -
windows positions, lasts activities codes, forced breaks options and others.
Additionaly this file contains the folder where is the second config file - tt_common.ini,
(by default the folder is C:\ Users\ User\ AppData\ Local\ NkTimeTracker).
Path=C:\ Users\ User\ AppData\ Local\ NkTimeTracker.
In NkTimeTracker Pro you can keep the file tt_common.ini on shared resource in your network and
differents users can use it. So all users will have the same common settings in this case.
Path = \\shared_pc\NKTT
The file tt_common.ini contains important settings - password, idle time, screenshots settings and others.
In NkTimeTracker Pro this file can contains information about folders with dictionaries, events logs and screenshots:
DB.Path.Dictionaries = \\shared_pc\ NKTT\ Dictionaries
DB.Path.Events = \\shared_pc\ NKTT\ Events
DB.Path.Screenshots = \\shared_pc\ NKTT\ SS
They can also be a shared folders - in this case, users will have the same dictionaries, and
event logs and screenshots will give a total statistics for all users and computers.
Most users can see only their own statistics (even on the public folders) and can not see screenshots at all.
If you use time tracking software NkTimeTracker Pro you can change all this folders settings in Options window.
Please see here.
So you can use common settings, dictionsries, events logs and screenshots folders
for differents users and computers in your network.
You can get different Windows access rights for users for this common shared file tt_common.ini.
In this case some users can change common settings and some users - can not - they have readonly access.
Additionaly you can use several shared folders for file tt_common.ini for differents groups of users.
In this case this groups (e.g. management and employees) will have different settings but
can have the common folders with dictionaries, events logs and screenshots.
So 'management's group can see events logs, statistics of 'employees' group, but
users from 'employees' group can see their personal events log and statistics only.
All information are stored in simple text files
(e.g. dictionary_activity.ini)
in users folder C:\ Users\ User\ AppData\ Local\ NkTimeTracker\ Storage.
In time tracking software NkTimeTracker Pro you can change the folder for dictionaries files.
So you can set it on shared storage and use it for several users.
In this case users will be use the same dictionaries.
Additionaly you can get for this folder diffirents Windows rights
for diffirents users.
Please note - colors (dictionary_color.ini) and notes (dictionary_last_notes.ini)
dictionaries are 'user defined' and are stored in local users folder always.
The important part of dictionaries item - is the code of item.
This code should be unique in dictionary.
This code is stored in events logs.
This code is used in rules and others.
Yes of course. Please see here.
Screenshots are available in time tracker NkTimeTracker Pro only.
No, the password is case-insensitive.